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H-Citoplacell Megacell


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H-Citoplacell Megacell

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Oral complex that induces the natural production of the Human growth hormone (HGH), the “Hormone of Youth” and promotes the production of Testosterone or Estrogen, depending on the sex of the user, through the supply of DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone). Human Citoplacell also enhances cognitive functions through its high content of D.M.A.E; Ginkgo and Lysine. In addition it provides strong antioxidant protection and induces a general state of well being. MEGACELL should be used daily as a supplement.

On the verge of a new millennium, Biomedical Science doubled its efforts during the last decade for creating specific products, treatments and therapies intended to provide people with a longer, healthier life. The most important research centers around the world speeded up the pace of their quest of natural, biological, molecular, biochemical compositions provided with properties or synergies for renovation, induction or revitalization activities and systemic, tissue or cellular applications. The research involved so far: molecular Biology, nutrition, free radicals, Gerontology, Genetics, hormonal functions and cellular therapies. In summary, a number of valuable, important scientific studies are now available or in progress in different universities around the world. We are pleased to show you today interesting findings for men and women of all ages, especially over 30. We proudly introduce a product that represents and includes every single existing biomedical achievement at this moment.

We are talking about MEGACELL, from Biocell Ultravital, formulated by our Biological Research Institute after years of research on essential anti-aging components covered by the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine in the United States, as well as the cellular therapies used by the European Scientific Community and cellular, protein and enzymatic extracts.

Including bioestimulina and amino acids, for reasons of compatibility and stability, was a key point in this formulation. Multiple trials, tests and protocols at different dosages and concentrations were necessary, with a unique high content of amino acids that works in synergy with other components showed a extraordinary effect, systemic stimulation, active hormonal balancing, tissue regeneration and natural rejuvenation of the body.

This was an amazing landmark to Enzymotherapy, and Biocell Ultravitall was ready to incorporate this fresh, valuable finding into the MEGACELL formula. You might ask, Why enzymes? Because enzymes are the ferment of life. No organic function would be possible without them. When they began to be “late”, when a functional decline is noticed, physical deterioration becomes inevitable. But we didn’t work just on enzymes, we also worked on the hormonal field. Modern Endocrinology has widely defined the functions of hormones such as the Growth Hormone (HGH) and Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA).

We know for certain the organic requirements of this hormone as well as the stages in adult life, when invariably the hormonal concentration begins to decline (from the age of 30). Such gradual decline will reduce functional values and only an Endocrinologist duly familiarized with these therapies will be able to replace them, with proper study and personalized dosages. Obviously these hormonal treatments imply certain risks that only a Physician will handle through a proper administration. Hormones are not to be widely used. What we can do is –and we at Biocell Ultravital are proud of being leaders of it– to formulate natural amino acid components allowing the induction of a desired effect: our own body balancing its hormonal production. That is exactly why our MEGACELL includes the necessary amino acids for inducing hormonal production. In order to provide patients with a wide knowledge on the growth hormone and the dehydroepiandrosterone, we prepared the following material intended to discuss concepts and highlight the role of these hormones .

This hormone is crucial to our body. HGH is secreted by the anterior hypophysis or adeno hypophysis. The hormone has an effect on carbohydrate metabolism and stimulates growing of cartilage and bones. To do this, HGH uses intermediate substances called “Insulin Type Growing Factors”.

Dehydroepiandrosterone DHEA:

This hormone is secreted by the adrenal cortex. Our body is richer in DHEA than it is in blood. The hormone is responsible for (but not limited to) increasing the transformation of food into energy, eliminating excess of fat and preventing the body from accumulating fat in tissue and blood. Recently a study from the University of California (San Diego) showed how an increase in DHEA levels in senior citizens would make them less prone to illnesses and boost their energy and well being. Normal DHEA levels have proved to reduce mortality rate by 38% (regardless the cause of death) and by 48% (cardiovascular diseases).,Widely known is a study showing how in a group of 5,000 women, those with sub-normal levels of DHEA developed breast cancer. Finally, the use of this hormone has proved to be effective for treating arthritis and preventing the loss of bone mass leading to osteoporosis.

What such findings confirm is the excellence of MEGACELL for inducing hormonal production. Its biological integrity allows for including every single aspect necessary to a complete organic improvement leading, which means, the return to a healthy and young body.

Composition Formula

Each Capsule of 250 mg. contains:

Amino acids (120mg.)
Ginkgo (30mg.)
Lapacho (30mg.)
Co-enzyme Q10 (20mg.)
Papa reale liophylized (20mg.)
Hydrolaized proteins of Soy (10mg.)
DHEA (10mg.)
KH3910 mg)

MEGACELL is an integral product. Its composition allows for improving and stabilizing organic functions and comprises a wide spectrum of applications in preventive, regenerative and healing medicine. Used with H-Ultracell, will make an unbeatable team for restoring well-being, improving physical and mental functioning, filling the body with a whole new energy, recovering and sustaining sexual appetite and getting the youth back to the body.

Illnesses, deficiencies and chronic conditions that improve through a continuous use of MEGACELL are, but not limited to, the following:

Premature skin aging
Premature organic aging
Physical asthenia
Lack of sexual appetite
Concentration loss
Memory loss
Premature aging


MEGACELL is presented in a box containing  60  capsules 250-mg each.

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